
As everyone already knows that we have present, past and future tense in English and some other languages, too;

however, it may surprise you that we don't have any particular word/ vocabulary for either past or future tense in Chinese.

Then, now you probably would ask, How can we describe something happened in the past or things we're going to do in the future.

In Chinese, instead of changing the verb into another form like we do in English and Italian for example. 

We ADD words/ vocabulary in the sentences.


Present tense

English: I do homework.

Italian: Fare i compiti.

Chinese: 我做功课.


Future tense

English: I will do homework.  

Italian: Farò i compiti.

Chinese: 我做功课 or 我将会做功课


 will = 将会 or 会


In English, you can just change the verb into future tense then the sentence becomes future tense. 

Obviously, it's not necessary to put later/ tomorrow/ next week/ soon, etc... any other phrases refer to the future.

All that you have to do is to just ADD these phrases refer to the past in the sentences.

The phrases refer to the future we use a lot are: 

Chinese  English   Italian    
      等一下 Děng yīxià later       dopo / più tardi        
马上 Mǎshàng soon fra poco
明天 Míngtiān tomorrow domani
下星期 Xià xīngqí next week dopo settimana
下个月 Xià gè yuè   next month il prossimo mese
明年 Míngnián next year l'anno prossimo



 Basic Grammar: 

Subject + Time Phrases + 会/将会 + Verb + Object/place/...


Time Phrases + Subject + 会/将会  + Verb + Object/place/... 


Just remember, Don't put the time phrases at the end of the sentences!


sentences for example: 


English: I will go to the coffee store tomorrow.   

Italian: Andrò al bar domani. 

Chinese: 我明天去咖啡店. ( Wǒ míngtiān huì qù kāfēi diàn )

             or  明天去咖啡店.


English: I will study tonight.      

Italian: Studierò questa sera.

Chinese: 我今天晚上读书. (  Wǒ jīntiān wǎnshàng huì dúshū )

             or  今天晚上读书.


English: I will go out later.      

Italian: Uscirò più tardi.

Chinese: 我等一下出去. (  Wǒ děng yīxià huì chūqù )

             or  等一下出去 .


English: I will go to work next month.      

Italian: Andrò a lavorare il mese prossimo.

Chinese: 我下个月去工作. (  Wǒ xià gè yuè huì qù gōngzuò )

             or  下个月 去工作 .


Practice for you:

please translate English into Chinese.

1. He will go to school tomorrow.

2. I will go out tonight.

3. We will go to the park later.   (park公园 Gōngyuán )

4. I will go to Italy next year. 


《Past tense grammar in Chinese》

Country name in Chinese:



Once again, We don't do Verb change for the past tense&future tense in Chinese, however, we ADD words in the sentences to make the tense changed.

Feel free to leave your question and do the practice down below, and I'll correct them.


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