目前分類:Learn Chinese 学中文 (10)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Words with the same pronunciation, but the meaning & and characters are totally different. 
It's a good way to practice the pronunciation as well as the vocabulary. 

More worksheets? 


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​​​​​As everyone already knows that we have present, past and future tense in English and some other languages;

however, it may surprise you that we don't have any particular word/ vocabulary for either past and future tense in Chinese.

Then, now you probably will ask How can we describe something happened in the past or thing we're going to do in the future.


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Chinese (Pinyin) / English / Italian 




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Simplified Chinese / Tranditional Mandarin / English / Italian

words in ORANGE are changeable

1. 你好ni'hao / 你好。/ Hello / Ciao 


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0. 书shu    (book)  (il libro)

1. 笔bi       (pencil)  (la penna)


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0. 嗨hai    (Hi!)    (Ciao!)

1. 早安zao'an   (Good morning)    (Buongiorno)

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Learn Chinese/Mandarin in both English and Italian 

You are coming to the right place if you are a beginner learning Chinese/Mandarin.

Learning a new language isn't easy, but don't worry. You are not alone. Let's start today.


Sherry 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Learn Chinese/Mandarin in both English and Italian 

You are coming to the right place if you are a beginner learning Chinese/Mandarin.

Learning a new language isn't easy, but don't worry. You are not alone. Let's start today.


Sherry 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Learn Chinese/Mandarin in both English and Italian 

You are coming to the right place if you are a beginner learning Chinese/Mandarin.

Learning a new language isn't easy, but don't worry. You are not alone. Let's start today.


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