
白天是道路, 晚上是熱鬧小吃的老巴剎 Lau Pa Sat



這邊營業到很晚到凌晨, 每天這裡都滿滿的人, 不僅是旅客會來這裡拜訪, 當地人也很喜歡這

 靠近地鐵Raffles Place, 下地鐵出口後走路大約8分鐘左右可以到

#outdoor dinning #outdoor seating #open late 


還有一家小攤販的Teh Tarik 拉茶我也很愛

除了食物好吃好喝, 環境也很美, 在高樓大廈圍繞著的周圍內就是lau pa sat(老巴剎)你坐的地方

Besides so many foods&drinks to choose from, I'm actually sitting in here surrounded by these gorgeous tall buildings.

I was amazed the first time my friend, ON, brought me here.    

當你在這抬頭看, 周圍都是高樓圍繞著這裡, 很美! 真的很漂亮!

The place was built in 1894. It's a historical building located in the downtown core in the central area of Singapore

從地鐵出來後走到這裡一路上都可以看到許多商業人士在這區, 就可以知道這一帶是市中心



當然有很多都可以試試看, 但在這邊個人推薦的沙嗲satay是...我沒有記下名子,

不過這家最是以set meal (Set A / Set B/ Set C ... ) set餐來賣的

有beef/pork/shrimp/lamb的set餐 以串來算錢的這一家

如果你看到的是這樣的話那就找對了  lol 


  Image may contain: people sitting, table, food and indoor 

This's Milo Dinosaur. (恐龍美祿), one of a popular Singaporean drinks

This's just a cold chocolate beverage. hehe but I like to drink it once in a while tho 

It's a sweet chocolate drink with some crushed ice and Milo powder added on the top

Image may contain: drink and indoor ​​​​​​​

在我身後的這家攤販是我覺得很好喝每次來都會來買熱的Teh Tarik (拉茶)

每次在food court吃東西都會覺得很不好, 因為他們用一次性塑膠和保麗龍的東西太多了  

這點是很大一點我覺得新加坡應該要改進的, 大家覺得呢?



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